Thursday, January 22, 2015

Never, Ever Give Up: That’s Why We Are Here

Why is Passionis here on Earth? Because we won’t give up on sports and transforming lives through them. I will explain this with three reasons:

Many times we hear amazing stories about athletes and how they achieve great things, sometimes we get inspired to do something just like them other times we think they are extraordinary human beings out of this world, and as such we can’t do what they are doing. But this is wrong. Sports are for everybody and everybody can be great in their own way thanks to sports.  Diana Nyad is the representation of this, since her early 20s she had the dream to swim from Cuba to Florida, after several failed attempts she managed to achieve it at the age of 64! She had to endure trainings and very difficult times in the water; this proves that anyone can achieve something great.  Passionis Sports  believes sports have a power nothing else on this world has to transform lives.

 The firs reason, As Diana Nyad says in her TED Talk “Never, Ever, Give Up”. In the talk she shares some insights, and she reveals something really important the destination is not as important as the journey and what you become in that process is better than the actual achievement. Diana mentions how she failed many times before been able to achieve her objective, and what she learned was very simple don’t give up, because everyday in our lives is epic. That is our mission help promote sports as a way to transform people from ordinary to extraordinary. Practicing a sport or exercising regularly is a journey, it is not about becoming the best, losing weight or something like that it is about being better than yourself everyday.  It is about taking action, small steps everyday to transform your life through sports and achieve something great, everybody has greatness inside and it is our mission to help you find your greatness and become extraordinary.

The second reason:  sports are much more than winning, as Coach John Wooden point out in his TEDTALK, about  how he motivated his players to be the best version of themselves. He used poetry to motivate his team, and this is great, words have a very strong power and can resonate with people, but coming back to Diana Nyad, words need to be backed by action and both Diana Nyad and Coach John Wood did this, each of them on very different fields of sports, this just shows that there is not one definition of success, each of us can be successful and unique in our own way. We need to be the best version of ourselves, this  is the reason Passionis Sports want to create a new kind  of entertainment in the world of sports: events, short stories, comics anything but associated to characters that are normal people just like you and me! Anyone can be a part of the amazing world of sports and learn about its many values and in Passionis people will find a companion right next to them.

The third reason is because even professional athletes need to practice and go through a journey and learn about respect, discipline, resilience, patience, persistence and other values. In his TED TALK Chris Kluwe describes how the future of sports could be with augmented reality, it would give us fans a closer look into the action and also we could learn that it is not as easy as it looks and also understand how athletes are regular people with great determination thanks to their commitment and training. Technology is changing the way we, practice and watch sports and Passionis Sports wants to be on the frontline embracing technology and its benefits to achieve our mission. In his talk, Chris Kluwe also talks about the empathy augmented reality would bring, if people had the chance to view things from the players perspective and see the amount of effort it requires to be “great” and “successful”, it would serve as a motivator for them to practice a sport as well. If Passionis helped promote technology aligning with athletes, teams and others, we could start transforming lives more easily attracting people to sports entertainment and convincing them to start their own journey and be the best they can be!

This is why we are here, we simply: DON’T GIVE UP!

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