Saturday, August 8, 2015

Business Guidance

Most of investors are people who have been entrepreneurs themselves and understand how to build a business by doing something completely new. This description fits both Barbara Corcoran and Kevin O’Leary. Barbara Corcoran is a businesswoman founder of the Corcoran Group, Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners among other companies, besides being a consultant, speaker and author. Kevin O’Leary is a Canadian businessman, investor, writer, and founder of diverse companies such as the Learning Company, O’Leary Funds and O’Leary Financial Group. Both of them are widely recognized for being part of the hit show Shark Tank, where they make deals with entrepreneurs to invest in their companies.

Their knowledge and experience is very useful for aspiring entrepreneurs just like myself as well as others and all of their knowledge can be found in diverse interviews and articles throughout the Internet.

 Barbara Corcoran believes that a business plan shouldn’t be as lengthy and instead be very precise regarding the product or service, the market needs it will serve and how much will it cost to produce and sell the product/service. The reason behind this is because she thinks that business plans are not adapted to reality and once you step out to the real world your plan can change given the market conditions. Instead she prefers to value more the entrepreneurial drive a person has and how much are they willing to work to make their business a success. Business plans can be knocked down easily by the realityof life and an entrepreneur needs to understand that it won’t be easy, while been able to push trough it.

Kevin O’Leary speaking on an Ivy League Forum shared some of his considerations regarding a business and business plans. For him the key aspects is proving you’re the right person to execute the plan, is the product actually desired by consumers, and lastly knowing the numbers inside out to understand the financials of your company. Such aspects are very important because you can have the best plan but if there isn’t a strong team who believes in the business execution won’t be good. Second, numbers are really important and you need to understand how are you spending money and how are you making money, without this your plan can be knocked down very easily. Lastly if there is not a market for your product then it doesn’t even make sense working further on it.

For my business plan I am considering all of their suggestions, I want to make my plan as flexible, adaptable and close to reality as possible, by talking with potential customers I will find out the actual need and price I can charge for the service I am selling. This way my plan can be more successful and if needed adapted quickly enough. Also the financial section of my business will be very important because a business without sales won’t last long, so I will make sure to carefully develop viable and as real as possible financial projections. Lastly I will make sure the team I assemble has the same passion for what we do as I do.  

1 comment:

  1. Great insight on the philosophy of a business plan; everyone has their own opinions and getting the experience that Barbara Corcoran and Kevin O’Leary bring to the table will save much time when preparing my own business plan. After reading your article, it makes sense to think things through before starting one. A business plan is just a roadmap or potential avenues one can take to reach a destination. It should be flexible, realistic, and executable; it puts things into perspective as you venture to establish your brand.
    It is also a team effort bringing in partners, banks, investors all willing and able to pull you in the right direction of success, each contributing to the many aspects of the plan and who share your vision so that everyone reaps the benefits. You are never alone, and as your venture starts to take shape, you draw to your company the people that will help mold your business. It all starts with an idea so the most important aspect of the business plan is your imagination. Nice work.
