Thursday, September 10, 2015

Purpose in Life, Purpose in Work.

Life has to be lived with a purpose, a mission if you will, if this isn’t the case life can become boring, stale, mostly an unfulfilled life. Waking up, going to work, sleeping and doing the same thing over and over can cause people to become sad, stressed and depressed among others. Society often forgets the importance of purpose in life, people need to follow a purpose and feel that their work is contributing to something bigger, a greater good.  Too many times in the business world we forget the reason why we do things and we end up unhappy with what we do.

Even in the sport business this can happen. For example over the last couple of months I have been focused on how much revenue are we going to make, how are we going to grow and expand the business, among others and I got so caught up on these issues that I forgot the reason why this company was born. This company was born to promote sports and its benefits for people’s lives. This company was born out of passion for the world of sports, it was born to inspire, and it was born to help the world of sports keep on growing gaining new followers and athletes among the way. That is the purpose of this business and the reason why we do what we do. After this experience I realized we are not doing our best to fulfill this mission, we want to deliver the sport experience to anyone because:

1.Sports have many benefits, the majority related to physical health, which is extremely important. However other benefits especially mental health benefits come from engaging in sports.

2.Stress and other mental health problems are increasingly being caused by work.

3.Sports can combat such health issues.

We want to make sure our work is helping more people follow and engage with sports. The world of sports is the best reflection of living with a purpose, everyday you wake up with a clear objective: improvement. Athletes dedicate their life to self-improvement it is what drives them. The sports business can help other business sectors discover their purpose. Using sports as a platform Passionis will help business organizations and teams discover their purpose and motivation to achieve their best potential. By creating unique sports competitions, events, lectures and seminars, all of them focused on discovering purpose, finding motivation and developing effective teamwork, the business world will benefit from the world of sports thanks to Passionis.  Gaining purpose, drive and overall physical and mental health will be a game changer for any type of business.

Passion is Sports.

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